Event Postponed! NEW DATE- saturday, december 5, 2020
The West End Health Foundation (WEHF) is excited to partner with RAMBA and Start The Cycle bike group to bring you something WEIRD!
The West End Indoor Race Day, better known as The WEIRD, is cyclists racing bikes mounted on trainers! The event will be held Saturday, March 14th at the Ishpeming Armory. As we plan for this upcoming event, we are proud to announce ALL of the funds raised will return to the community through the continued work on our trails and getting at risk kids involved in a healthier lifestyle through biking.
Start The Cycle is in their 8th year of leading at-risk youth to a healthier lifestyle through mentoring and mountain biking. The group is a 501(c)3 non-profit, staffed entirely by volunteers. Applicants are referred to their program by counselors, physicians, and Marquette County Juvenile Court. As a group, they fundraise and purchase all of the equipment the riders will need to train and race in the Ore To Shore Mountain Bike Epic in August.
RAMBA, is a member supported, non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to inspiring people to realize the benefits of mountain biking and living a healthy lifestyle. Through the advocacy for building, and maintaining hand built non-motorized trails, they strive to provide outdoor enthusiasts the opportunity to enjoy Ishpeming, Michigan.
As we prepare for this special event, we are seeking teams and sponsors. We’ve enclosed the sponsorship forms that you can compete and return in the self addressed stamped envelope prior to February 1, 2020. This form details the sponsorship levels and benefits received at each level.
To join in on the weirdness, you can find team registration forms on our website at www.westendhf.org . Youth teams are grouped by Grade School (age 8+), Middle School and High School in the morning event, Adults (age 16+) are grouped by Sport and Pro class.
This is an inaugural event with food trucks, prizes for winning race teams, Best Weird team name, Best Weird costume/outfit and raffles, including a 2019 Rocky Mountain Pipeline Alloy 50 mountain bike!
That’s Weird Folks!
If you have any questions, please contact Laura MacDonald (906)361-9378 STCLauraMac@gmail.com or Pam Roose (906)361-6043 pjxroose@gmail.com
THANK YOU to our Title Sponsor, ABC 5 & 10! Stay Tuned to find out how YOU can register or sponsor the WEIRD Bike Race- now rescheduled to December 5 due to Covid-19!